NJLS 50th Anniversary Meet Photos
(taken over four days, September 29 through October 3, 2011)
NJLS 50th Anniversary Meet Photos
(taken over four days, September 29 through October 3, 2011)
The following note is from Tim Guenther of FLLS, who has given us permission to view his photos and video of the Meet: Dear “Gary, Cathy and All... I really had a wonderful time at your meet last weekend. Here are the videos and photos I shot. Feel free to share them with others. Thanks again, Tim Guenther”
Video: http://youtu.be/EL5cb5KaiDk
Photographs: http://www.pbase.com/timbg/njls50
600+ photos taken by several NJLS members & guests: Tom Battle, Ron Muldowney, Ron Cicchini, Annamae Yuhas, and unknown other photographers (tell me, if you know who) are displayed below. Page last updated on 10/23/11.