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Media Album




 Copy and paste the links below, to go to photo albums of NJLS events and individual or family trips throughout the years!  These are Google Photos albums, that contain thousands of photos and video clips. Download whichever photos you wish to keep on your own computer  (or your phone or other device) - as soon as you see them posted, as they will be replaced by new photos, as space necessitates. There are no backups to these photos, and they may be deleted whenever we need space or if there is a problem with the program (which happens often).  So, save/download the photos you like as soon as you see them. At some point, they will be gone forever.  
 (Note that "Roadtrips" or other events pictured in some of these albums are not sponsored NJLS events. They are just family trips taken by some of our members and their families. These individuals build and own their own trains, and transport them themselves, at great expense and risk.  There is no liability insurance available for this hobby. They do not give train rides.  There are no trains that are owned by the club. All trains are individually owned and operated and have usually been built by amateur hobbyists - for use by their families and friends, at their owner's discretion.)   


NJLS: about 2020-2022:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/9QyNe9WbAN8jqE1g6

In Memory of George "Rick" Richardson:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/C54cKavc2Y9CLYWy6
NJLS: about 2016-2019: 

NJLS: about 2014-2016: 

NJLS: about 2012-2014: 

NJLS: 2011 - NJLS 50th Anniversary: 

NJLS: Early Years at NJLS and elsewhere: 

NJLS: Members' Highlights - all years:  
NJLS Families at Cass, WV - all years:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/FFhquQPw7JhCFemX6

NJLS Families at Train Mountain, OR - all years:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/PQh3HfWwG5FFToKJ9

Copyright statement:
©1996-2025 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.  The entire content of this website is copyrighted and owned by New Jersey Live Steamers, Inc.  No one may copy ,download, or use the content of this website without the written permission of the NJLS Webmaster. If you wish to request such permission, please email the NJLS Webmaster at:   njlivesteamers AT gmail DOT com 
Disclaimer statement:
 We try to provide accurate information on this website and in our newsletters. However, New Jersey Live Steamers, Inc. (hereafter referred to as NJLS), its members, and/or the webmaster and newsletter editor, make no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding errors or omissions or safety, and we assume no legal liability or responsibility for the safe use of any information or product contained on this website or in our newsletters.  Any references on this website or in our newsletters to any specific product, process, service, manufacturer, builder, machinist, hobbyist, club, and/or links to other sites does NOT constitute an endorsement or recommendation, nor imply its safe use.  It is YOUR sole responsibility to use the information and products found on this website and our newsletters.  We do NOT endorse any of the websites, companies, products or persons linked to in our materials; we are merely providing them for convenience.
 Use all materials on the Internet with the utmost discretion! Protect your own and others' privacy.  You may NOT use the personal information regarding any member of NJLS for any reason other than personal contact between yourself and them. Always think SAFETY FIRST ! 
 Thank you for your membership and your friendship!  We value both!